Start 2022 off with a Generous Act

In the United States, someone is in need of blood every two seconds, on average. Currently, the Red Cross has less than a three-day supply of type O blood. Having enough type O blood on the shelves is important for ongoing patient care and emergencies. Type O positive is the most transfused blood type and the blood type emergency room personnel reach for when there is no time to determine the blood type of patients in the most serious situations.

UFC and the Red Cross have a history of working together on both the local and national levels to help raise awareness for patients to collect thousands of lifesaving blood donations. A blood donation takes about an hour from start to finish, but the actual donation itself only takes about 8-10 minutes.

Donors can also save up to 15 minutes at the blood drive by completing a RapidPass® online. With RapidPass®, donors complete the pre-donation reading and health history questionnaire online, on the day of donation, from a mobile device or computer. To complete RapidPass®, follow the instructions at or us the Red Cross Blood Donor App.

For more information, please visit