Neil offers a high kick that is blocked, but through the first half of the round, she’s clearly the more aggressive, more effective fighter of the two. Peralta looks to counter with left hooks as Neil reaches forward with a jab, but “Katniss” does a good job of staying long and sticking her with timely shots.

Peralta lands a left hook as Neil comes in, but the Team Nunes representative continues to move forward, closing the distance and initiating a clinch, landing a right on the break. Peralta is only throwing single shots, but sticks a left in Neil’s face, coming forward more heading into the final minute of the round.

Neil lands a right hand that draws Peralta forward looking for a counter, but there is nothing there. Neil tries to push Peralta back with jabs, but the Team Pena fighter comes forward behind powerful swings, catching air, but getting closer to finding the target. With 10 seconds remaining, Neil ducks under for a takedown, putting Peralta on the mat while the Team Pena rep hunts for a guillotine as the horn sounds.

Both fighters return to their corners expecting a third round, each side offering advice and direction to their competitors.

And we’re going to the third!

Round 3

Peralta wastes no time flinging wide hooks, allowing Neil to grab a Thai clinch as she crashes forward. She uses it to put Peralta on the fence and hunt for a body lock, eating a knee and giving one of her own in tight. They trade knees again and Peralta lands a right hand over the top on the break.

Peralta lands a jab and is coming forward, while Neil paws out jabs. A right hand scores for Neil, and Peralta counters with a right hook. Neil fires off a one-two, nut doesn’t build on it. Peralta finds Neil’s chin with a lunging left hook, but Neil responds with a right of her own.